You can get enrolled to the necromancer guild and buy the staff and water orb for Lars. One has elixir and the other yields mandrake. The pick lock for the blue chest can be found much later in the game. Walk up to the dead end with a chest. Check out our strategy guide and walkthrough for Aveyond. Collect you reward-either Mithril Rapier for pirate john/teijal or Red demon spell for Elini. Explore the Blasted Lands before reaching Thais. The gauss shield spell can be learnt by Lars and gives protection against strong enemy spells. Talk to her again and she will give you a quest (side quest no.41). The chests from this area yields haunch, apple, 300 gold pennies and 150 gold pennies. It contains haunch. To your right is the mule express. She will be relieved. The other goodies are: All Guilds-Use this goodie to get all Guild Spellbooks for Lars. Walk to the signpost of the eastern isle and go south from there. Follow the passage, it leads straightaway to another door. Now the monsters here are extremely tough, so I recommend avoiding them or using the beast repellent. Talk to the librarian Rasha, she give you a quest to bring back something (side quest no.40). Now its time to explore new horizons. The buildings all appear to be in a state of neglect, and two benevolent ghosts wander the area. 2.If you want to play the game in full-screen mode, press ALT+ENTER on your keyboard. Fight when you are asked to. Forced into retirement early, Boyle now spends his days arguing with haunted trees and scaring off the occasional knight. This Wiki has the potential to be a public monument to our small but persistent fandom. Walk two paces down from the bone file; Press enter or action button, you will discover the treasure shown in the treasure map retrieved from the library. use as Battering Ram get 3 fire stick. Walk onwards and when the road branches out take the southern route. Heal up and save before you face Saurva, the fifth boss. There you will find a hut and a troop of enemies whom you can use to level up. After walking for some time you will find a mule express and an elven city called Ylisfar. You can also check the necromancer spell book to make Lars learn new spell (if he has registered for it). Follow the arrow direction. temple in ghedahre Go through the door to his north and then take the right passage. Aveyond II: Ean's Quest is, strangely enough, the sequel to Aveyond I: Rhen's Quest. Talk to him, he will give you something. Enter the underground chambers to your right. Buy the antidote for 30 gold pennies and return to the boar. But when the moon arises, so does the beast, what am I? Featuring sections such as Location Questions, World Maps, Goodie Caves, a Mirror Mansion guide, a Spell Guide, a Party members guide, Battle strategies, where to find rest, where to find shops and much, much more! Go to the place where you first started the game and pick the pink colored flowers. Talk to them and they will join your party as friends. For that visit the veniara islands to the man behind the bars-pirate john. you get the bottle in a junk shop in sedona (eastern isle). Talk to goodwife Lonna, she will trigger another quest. A new member will join your party and a new quest is added (side quest no.30). Enter the cave, its Mt Orion cave system. Walk to your east till you see another ladder. Equip the ice amulets. Go to Aveyond and select your reward- the Climbing Guide or Cooking Guide. The location of this goodie is same as the guild goodie. Climb it to find a blue chest. The chest found here contains-1 leather boot and 1 black oak staff. Popular Latest Unanswered Top Questions Where can I find a bottle to capture a fairy with? Since youve discovered the magic kettle from the Blasted Lands, now you can return to Veldt and give it to the alchemist. Leveling up would help you fight difficult bosses with ease. Refer the map to go through the dungeon onto the exit through point 1 in the map below: The enemies have around 15000 hp and cast massive blows which can kill your party members. The creatures will remain with you as long as Lars has the cloak equipped. Talk to the tavern owner about adventurer club and he will register you in their membership if you have vampire corpses with you. Dont forget to take it. One of the shelves in a house yields a book page. We need to go to Velgerds house: Follow the arrow directions to Velgerds house. Enter the cave beside the dirt pile and find a chest containing auquifolium extora. Dont enter the pet shop for now as you already have the red slippers with you. Take the plant from her and offer it on the altar at Mt Orion cave system. Then enter the door beside it. The dizzy doll will inflict madness on a single enemy. The chests have 1 salmon, shield of madness, 450 gold pennies, 350 gold pennies and 8000 gold pennies. Now we will resume from where we left off. LP Aveyond Rhen's Quest. Enter it and after climbing up the ladder Walk to your right. 15), Agnes Take her child to the gentle children school in Western Isle (side quest no. Aveyond 3-1: Lord of Twilight; Aveyond 3-2: Gates of Night; Aveyond 3-3: The Lost Orb; . Talk to Rona again and she will ask you get Lars clothes done by the seamstress. Before leaving Sedona, visit the item shop. From the entrance, exit through the door on northwest. Exit the ball room and enter your manor. Exit the tavern and follow the southern route. Exit the tent and keep walking to your right till you reach a pile of bones. if you have been there go to the king and see what happens. Get back one screen and go down the shorter second ladder to collect the elixir from the chest. Read the advertisement on the wall and talk to the tavern owner. In the next room, go through the door shown in the screenshot: Enter the door that you come across first in the following room and get 150 gold pennies from the chest. Return to the Thais again and marry off some more characters (you will need the wedding rings for that). There you will find the last Marion bell flower. Either you can give the statue to the elves in Oldwood which would help you complete three quests (return of the king, uncursing the city of Ejindro and bringing a ghost to haunt the vampress house at ghedahre). Climb down the stairs and now walk up to the cave marked as no.4. You will land up in no. gameboyman56. enter the orchard. Go through the cave passage onto a new area. The nurse will give you a quest to kill the rats. Then talk to him. You will need the smoke bomb to retrieve the wax from the hive. Walk to your right instead of entering any of these three passages. The graves beside the church dont yield anything except one, which opens a passage. The enemy troops are pretty strong here and some cast poison. Talk to night elf who loiters alone and give him the root nectar. You will land up in point 2 in the next map. Now there is a special trick if you dont want to fight the difficult monsters in this dungeon and also have sufficient levels to face the final boss. You can come back here whenever you are running short of gold pennies. Download Aveyond 1 - Rhen's Quest Walktrough.pdf. Go to the second floor and you will discover its a Chapel of Love! Important Note Its the ogre lair. Talk to the queen and give her what the mountain king has asked you to. Make Lars learn the decompose spell. Now we need to go to the Ghedahre. ThePHiLsTeR. Go to Lands End to Eldredth, the old woman who planted your bean seeds in the enchanted garden. Note that all the maps have been reduced in resolution and quality to make the walkthrough file small. Aveyond II: Ean's Quest is, strangely enough, the sequel to Aveyond I: Rhen's Quest. Dont fight it; you are not strong enough yet. Get back by two screens, and then go down the stairs twice to get another chest containing the tornado spell. Also make sure that you save your game often so that you dont lose your progress due to a power cut or by accidental game shutdown. Our community has a wealth of knowledge pertaining to the Aveyond saga, and it's heartwarming to see those resources shared with the world. Give this golden goose to Lor in Dirkon and talk to him again. Save Save Aveyond 1, Rhen's Quest Build B Walkthrough For Later. Press the first switch and continue till you see another moving ball. Enter the cave after him. Talia insists on staying in our party . The art dealer Frederick will give you a quest (side quest no.28). There is a manor for sale, and the contact person is inside the ballroom. 2. Get out of the house, open the gate, get down the stairs and go down. Take the path to your right and press the switch. The house immediately next to the grey haired guy Eddie (slave) is the house of the seamstress. Walk up to the nearest bifurcation where you can see a grave and take that path. Exit the cavern and open the chest to find bronze sword. Exit the cave; here the troop of four monsters provides the maximum xp (7500) in this area so you can fight them to level up. If you have sufficient number of stakes then you can stake all the vampires. Go into the cave and follow the path till you find a chest. Talk to him about the news, you will be given a quest (side quest no.38). Now go to the entrance of Veldarah. Finally you will end up in point 6 of the map. From the magic bazaar buy traveling runes to all the places you see, you will need them. The Time Mage guild is located here, if youve not already joined any other guild then you can join here. Climb up the rope (if you had fetched the climbing guide) and open the chest to get the Charmed orb for Lars. In the next area walk along the path and enter a cave to your right. You are presented another puzzle-the color puzzle. If you talked to the boar in the wilderness but didnt kill it then go to Veldarah to the necromancer Derez. Get another chest on your way to retrieve bronze rod: Collect the raven blowpipe and return to the place where the three passages had branched. Similarly the next region is also marked with chest locations and dotted lines leading to the next area. Talk to the squirrels, you will find birds seed in a corner. Talk to the queen and observe the conversation. Exit through the gate and youll find a chest containing studded armor. Take Vatas soul and go to Memory Caverns. Get back one screen and exit that cave. Exit the room using the door shown in the screenshot: Open the chest immediately beside you in that area. You need to come back to her to plant the pomegranate seeds later. Go past the mule express to enter Thornkeep. Take it and go to the ice caverns. The old woman near the boat dealer would teach you find skudder spell for a price. You will find a small castle immediately to your north. Simply hold down the Ctrl and "F" keys together, and enter. The Demon Portal has been opened and dark creatures are racing into your world, so it's up to you to find the Sword of Shadows and close the Portal once more. Carry one and exit to the next map. In the following area, WALK to your right side first. Walk up to the chest on the upper right of point 8 in that map. Also get some myrica infusion and elixir (elixir is a must). The ice spell scrolls works wonders against him. Walk back a few paces from there and you will see a cave passage. Return to the cave entrance (4b in the map) and Walk to your right this time. If no one has an answer while you're on, head over to Reddit to ask. Talk to the book dealer inside the house, he will give you a quest to gather all the arcane magic pages of a book. Another spot at Aveyond yields 120 gold pennies. Buy the cracked orb from the item shop and equip it on Lars staff from the inventory. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. They cast sleep spells so equip proper accessories just in case you face them. The enemies re-spawn here except for the main enemies (to be referred as boss from now onwards), so you can fight them over and over again just by exiting and re-entering the screen and level up your characters. Exit and now go to gentle childrens school. You will find Danny next at Sedona. It is a mule express and it can take you to places where you have visited at least once. Here the teachers will teach you certain skill if youve reached a particular level. Enter Rhens house and talk to her father, observe what he says carefully. You will also find another quest in your list which had been triggered by the kidnapping event. Our Aveyond 2 Walkthrough contains everything you need in order to play this unforgettable adventure game. If you are new to RPG-style games then you can always go to options to know more about the game controls and moving your character. If you want to chat informally with other gamers who are playing Aveyond & other games like Aveyond, head on over and join us! Wilderness Goodies: There are also some game goodies to be found from the wilderness. Anyway, at Ejindro talk to the ghost girl and try to open the lock to the north of the girl with the skeleton key. Explore the area and talk to everyone. See what happens. You need to fetch Lars again. After killing him you will get Dreamers Tear. Rummage the bookshelf to find bean seeds. Walk up to the temple and touch Daenas soul to his statue. You will find yourself outside again. Enter the mauve colored tent to upgrade your weapons. Re-enter the cave and talk to general Binx. Now head towards the middle passage. Obviously, you also get to handle . Go to your left first. When you download this goodie, you can choose to use anime or non-anime faces. Does anyone have or know of a walkthrough for this game?? Keep walking to the west past the waterfall and enter another cave that you see towards the north. From the gates of the school go down to the sandstone cave (marked with a red box in lowlands map). That will allow you to heal your party for free in his tavern. Three generations after Rhen and her party defeated the dark lord Ahriman, and she begain ruling in Thais, we focus our attention on Ean, a young elf who lives near the Oldwoods (familiar to Aveyond I fans). You are in Oldwoods. Talk to Oracle, she will give you four options, which would decide how will you make Rhen lead her life to the end. From the bifurcation head east and open the two chests to find covey balm and haunch. Cash cow: obtain the cash cow in the following spot marked with the white circle: This cow gives you 10000 gold pennies each time you talk to it!!! Exit from there and re-enter Blackroot System. He inflicts sleep and causes fire damage. Go up north and on your right the chest will yield a truffle for the chef. Get some cheese and traveling runes to Brumwich from the item shop. Walkthrough for Aveyond?? Go to the sign post past the tavern and this time take the north-western path till you reach a barricaded gate. Now back to the Halloween hills again and go to the pet shop. Enter the unlocked door passage. You will enter the cave by point 2 in map W. Walk up to the chest in that area to find 2000 gold pennies. Automatically there are changes made as per which goody you have installed. There you will find a chest containing bronze rod. Come back to the bridge which I forbade you from crossing and go north. A powerful deity, Ahriman, has opened the Demon Portal and dark creatures now threaten the great isles. Ace_Anderson 13 years ago #1. Cross the bridge and keep walking till you reach a ladder. 8584 aveyond-rhens-quest 1 0 2 4. 14), Griselda Bring to boat man as wife (side quest no. Use the soul steal skill from Lars skill set before killing the creature. Before quitting the place you will see the mushroom creature beside the fairies. She will ask you to bring an elixir. If you choose the second option then you have to go to Thais with Dameon and talk to the old man in the palace. Talk to Dora, the girl behind the bars, in the pet shop. She demands that you do your chores. GOD-This is the goody of all goodies. The following area has no chests and the route is simple, just follow the arrow direction in the map below: On to the next area: Here point 5 harbors a red chest containing Blood orb for Lars, it is recommended that you retrieve this final orb for him. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest (PC) Where do I find the shovel? Dont go to the mines as if you complete this quest the mine will collapse and you wont be able to retrieve the blue chest. Grazila Bring sludgemaster 2000 (side quest no. Get the acorn from the chest after you enter this area. Travel up north and then to your west from a bifurcation. Enter the library and a blue chest inside a small room will yield a treasure map. Proceed inside and explore the region.
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