progressive era literature

do they still make chum gum

There are a few random ones available on ebay, but thats it. Unfortunately, from what we could find, it seems like Chum Gum fell out of the spotlight because so much focus was turned to Dubble Bubble by the company. People used to say Who has Chum Gum? some one must have a stash somewhere! I got it in a gas station in a little town in Ohio in the 60's and early 70's. $19.95. White powdery coated soft bubble gum that blew bubbles the size of your whole face and ended up stuck there when they burst. Chum gum was the best!!! The wrapper was royal blue then, with blue gum, individually wrapped in white paper. So freaking sad. We had Chum gum in Silver Spring, Maryland. (I'm 57 now) Let me know what you think. Simple times! I would also get Kits in banana, chocolate and strawberry. I used to earn my Chum Gum reward, however. The reason it was discontinued was because Fleer turned their focus to Dubble Bubble instead. I'd get a small vanilla or cherry coke for 7 cents (the best also) from the fountain and boxes of jujubes. "Our new obsession." - TIME I remember them so well from my childhood. only 2 sticks to a pack. It wasnt sold in a stick like Chum Gum, though. It had it's own taste-nothing like it. Whenever we talk about the good old days, this Chum Gum always comes up in the conversation. I had a collection of about 15 though. Use to buy it at Bailey's Confectionery on Bunker Hill Road in Ashtabula, Ohio. If that sounds really familiar to what you know about Dubble Bubble, its because they were extremely similar. How does Google autocomplete this search? Anyone have any ideas of anything that would? I have been craving Chum Gum for 50 years. What I wouldn't give for one stick! Chum Gum was the best gum ever! Oh yes, good Lord, I thought I had lost my mind or was having hallucinations and here there's a whole club of people with the Chum Gum jones, just like me! When I was a child we lived outside of Chicago IL and that's where we would buy the gum. It is such a relief to know that there are others out there that know about this gum, because when I bring it up to people they don't know what I am talking about, it is great to know you guys are out there and fans of chum gum. Fleer made Dubble Bubble into the 2000's but sold to Tootsie who now makes it. Of the many penny candies we bought, we also bought Chum Gum. Geez Louise, how I LOVED Chum Gum. My girlfriend and I used to have bubble blowing contests with it. You can still order the Long Coconut boys and Squirrel Zippers online. Omg. Tootsie Roll bought Fleer 12 years ago, and today makes Dubble Bubble, another old Fleer product. I have craved this gum for yearsand it finally hit me! Every company is out of stock of mint juleps. I'm 66. I got it at a small restaurant across from the High School.

do they still make chum gum

do they still make chum gum